Thursday, May 5, 2011

19 Months and 5 Years Old

I haven't really written any updates on my kiddos in a while, and since part of the reason I keep this blog is to keep a record of our family life, I want to do it before the moment has passed us by.


Brennan is growing like a weed.  I just bought him a whole new wardrobe for spring and summer, and this is the first time I have purchased separate play clothes and school / church clothes.  He is not an extreme rough and tumble boy, but he is still a boy who enjoys exploring outside, and I can't bear to see all of his clothes get ruined before we start kindergarten.

Brennan's reading skills have gotten even better, and it appears he is now reading independently on a second grade level.  He is also showing more and more interest in writing.  Every day he is making signs to label doors, walls, and even boxes.  He writes and illustrates books and occupies himself for hours at a time, just writing and illustrating.

Preschool graduation is coming up, and I am amazed that we are about to enter a new chapter for our "baby."  He is definitely ready.  Preschool has been a wonderful experience (after three programs, I finally found one that I really love), but Brennan has been bored and frustrated, asking why he has to keep learning things he already knows.  He is most definitely his daddy's son with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

We recently read through the Jesus Storybook Bible (a must read for little kids and even adults!), and we have been talking more about God's plan for salvation.  We are looking for intentional opportunities to teach Brennan about our great God.  It's a daily process of living for Christ and modeling that to our kids, and it is a huge responsibility and honor.


Cora is so sweet and kind-hearted, giving hugs, kisses, and lots of affection.  When I lay her down in her bed at night or at nap time, she lays in her crib on her back with her little hand in the air, opening and closing her fist saying, "Bye-bye, Mommy.  Night-night.  Bye-bye.  Bye-bye, Mommy.  Luffyou.  Night-night."  Sometimes I just want to scoop her back up and never let go.

After we ruled out a milk allergy and got some fat into Cora several months ago, she went up to the 25th percentile in weight, which is where she is currently.  She is still very, very tall (over the 95th percentile in height), so she wears 18 month clothes which hang down on her waist and yet still fit because she is so long.  We just recently moved to size 4 diapers, which was a big achievement.  :-)

Cora has hit a stage where every word that comes out of her mouth strikes me as cute and funny.  Her favorite expressions right now are, "HereyougoMommy" as she hands me things, "DaddyHome?" every time she hears the garage door (or the air conditioning, which sounds like the garage door), and "Messy!" which is what she tells me every time she eats.  She loves to bounce while saying, "Dancin'! Dancin'!" Her speech is absolutely amazing, and Brennan often asks me after school if Cora learned any new words that day.  Last night she discovered a hairball on the play room floor, and we could hear her in there saying, "Look! Nasty! Nasty!" :-)

Cora's favorite thing to do is dress up.  She is always putting on someone's shoes, boots, hats, sunglasses, etc.  We have started a bin of accessories for her, and her motto is "more is better."

My children are such a tremendous gift.  It's true what they say: "The days are so long, but the years are so short."

These are such happy, blessed years.

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