Sunday, June 3, 2012

Finishing Cora's Room

A few weeks ago I finally got around to tackling a house project.  It felt SO good to be back in the game!

One of my house goals was to paint a few pieces of furniture this year, but I had to wait until sweet baby boy was out of my tummy.  Here is furniture piece number one, Cora's nightstand, before I got my hands paintbrush on it.:

And here it is after:

I chose a shade of white that matched the existing furniture (which is not true white or ivory), and I bought a pink drawer pull at Hobby Lobby.  I'd love to tell you this was super cheap, but the project cost a little more than I had hoped because I had to buy special primer, some new rollers, and a few other things.  At least now I will have those things to tackle my next two paint projects.

Before Seth was born, I managed to paint a piece of artwork for Cora's room.  It isn't totally done because I want to go back and clean up the stripes at the bottom of the painting, but in case that never happens, I should probably go ahead and post some pictures of it in its current state:

Here are a few other views of the room:

Other than touching up the canvas, this room is done!  At some point I'd love to add seating under the window that connects the two bookshelves (and shorten the curtains to the necessary height), but I have other things in the house I need to do more.  I also know the bookshelves will fill up on their own as Cora grows, so I'm not in a huge hurry to accessorize them.

It's a beautiful day... I think I may have to get the paintbrush out again in another room!!  :-)

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