Saturday, June 23, 2012

iNeed a New MacBook

It pains me that I haven't blogged in so long.  This whole not-having-a-computer thing stinks.  Big time.

I have come to the sad - but necessary - conclusion that the chunk of change I had saved for my camera needs to go toward a new computer.  It hit me the other night when I snagged Jim's computer after dinner and worked on it until bedtime, that not one thing I was doing was wasteful.  I wasn't surfing the internet or watching YouTube... I was responding to emails that had been sitting in my inbox for five days, I was doing research for Women's Ministry stuff for church, and I was setting up a meal calendar for a friend who had a baby.  Even though a great camera would be a wonderful investment and an awesome creative outlet, a computer is a necessary tool for me.  At this current point in my life, I can't use a camera to serve God the way I can use a computer.  God has blessed me with the gift of administration, and I haven't been able to use it!

So, I need to keep saving to get a new laptop that will allow me to fulfill my Etsy orders, store my whole photo library, and basically pick up where I left off.  I have explored my options, and I know now what I need.  I am just hopeful that I can get something before Jim's classes really take off this fall and I am left high and dry.  I wouldn't say I'm striking a deal with God (because that doesn't seem so biblical!), but I certainly am asking Him to honor my decision.  As of right now, any extra money is going toward medical bills, so it would definitely take some divine intervention for this to happen.  I certainly don't know God's plan, but I'm not counting against that possibility.

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