Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Creek Falls

I love the outdoors, and I love transitional seasons.  There is something incredibly comforting about fresh air and trees.  You've probably heard me say it before, but I don't know how I lived for eight years in concrete city, with a near absence of trees.  It isn't enough to have a well-placed tree or two in my yard.  I need lots of trees - forests, really, with canopies of leaves and colors and light filtering through in sunny patches. And I need access to forests and hills and streams in order to stay healthy.  Maybe it is the fact that I was born in western New York and went to college in PA.  Maybe it is the fact that I was a camp counselor for years.  Maybe it's just the way God made me.  Whatever the reason, I need nature.

Last Saturday, three friends and I escaped to nature at Fall Creek Falls State Park.  Oh my word.  That is seriously one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life.  The minute I got home, I wanted to go back.  I kept trying to think of excuses to justify the 2.5 hour drive with my kids very soon.  The fact of the matter is, our lives are busy and our weekends are full until the weather gets cold, and in the spring we will welcome another baby.  But as soon as I can get back there, I will.

I spent thirteen hours away from my family last Saturday, and five of those hours were spent on the road.  It was totally worth it.  I came back refreshed, revitalized, and recharged, and I was a better wife and mother, at least for a little while.

I am so thankful that God is creative and loves us enough to give us beautiful things that money can't buy.

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