Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cora's Color Party

Last Saturday was Cora's second birthday party.  We invited her three little best friends, who all happen to be boys, and we celebrated with a color party.  My original plan had been to do a "rainbow party" which is still what it was, but I decided to avoid that term after doing an internet search!  Plus, "color party" seemed less girly and she was, after all, the only girl there.  :-)

We started out the party by making colored rice pictures.  I dyed rice different colors (it's just dry rice plus food coloring, pre-mixed with a few teaspoons of rubbing alcohol, shaken in a bag and dried in the sun) and let the kids drop it on their glue, like glitter.

When the extra rice was all dumped into a big container, the kids played in the rice bin with cups, spoons, and containers.

I have ended up keeping the rice bin in the garage, and Cora and I have played with it a few times since Saturday.  

After we were done with the rice, we tried our hand at finger painting!

When we could finally drag ourselves inside (it was a gorgeous morning!), we let the kids play with rainbow stackers (that they got to keep) while we got ready for cake!

The outside of the cake was nothing impressive, but the inside was much more exciting!

I've had several people ask me how to make this cake, and even though you can find some recipes on the internet, I'll share what I did (and what I learned!), in a separate post.  Stay tuned.

After cake, we opened presents.  Among other things, Cora got her first princess dress.  She loves it!  (Isn't it hilarious that she is playing with train tracks in her princess dress?)

We ended the morning with a few photos of the kids enjoying their rainbow lollipops.  

I was going to show a few pictures of the decorations, but there really isn't much to show.  I'll show the two things I did do when I write my cake post.

Cora's real birthday is the day after tomorrow.  It's a whole week of birthday fun around here!  :-)

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