Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cora's Big Weekend

The last three days have been big for Cora.  On Saturday morning she went to her buddy Dylan's birthday party.  It was her second ever birthday party, and she just loved it.  For two days after the party, she recounted details to anyone who would listen: "Cake!  Trains!  Dylan!  Happy birthday to you! Pretty!  Garden!  Water!  Fun!"

The party was at Cheekwood Garden, which is an absolutely beautiful area in northwest Nashville.  There was a train exhibit that the kids were able to enjoy, and after a little time wandering and running around, the kids had cake, which was Cora's favorite part.

Her other favorite part was probably playing with her buddy, Joshua.  She is absolutely crazy about him, and I'd say it's mutual.

On Saturday evening, Cora went to her first ever ball game.  We went to a Nashville Sounds game, and we made it halfway through the game without having to head home, which I would say is pretty successful with two small children.

While Cora cheered for the team, Brennan and his buddy Mason were only interested in being crazy together.

The biggest deal for Cora came on Monday morning.  It was her first day of Mother's Day Out!! Truthfully, I don't know who it was a bigger day for, Cora or Mommy.  But both of us did really well.

It seems like Cora has grown up overnight.  Sometimes I just want to freeze time.

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