Monday, December 19, 2011

Ready for Christmas

I'm spending a lazy day at home today, since it is the last day I will have while the kids are in school for several weeks.  Today I have washed, folded, and sorted several overflowing laundry baskets of baby clothes, and I am so thankful to have saved all of Brennan's clothes from six years ago.  How many hundreds of dollars (not to mention memories) are represented in those baskets?  I keep thinking how close together my boys' birthdays are going to be (probably around one and a half weeks or less apart!), and it is so weird to be saying the words "my boys."

Christmas is six days away, and I'm pretty much ready.  I have one more gift to buy Jim, one more gift to make, and a few left to wrap.  Compared to the huge to-do list I had a few weeks ago, I feel like I'm coasting now.  This year I've spent about six hours wrapping gifts, countless hours shopping (thank goodness for Amazon, my new best non-human friend!), and many other hours crafting and creating.  We've hosted two big Christmas parties and a few other social gatherings, and I think I'm done entertaining for this year.  It was all extremely fun, but I don't have an ounce of energy left.

Yesterday at church the kids sang a medley of songs while wearing costumes.  Brennan was chosen to be Joseph, and our friend Alana was Mary.  Brennan was as pleased as punch that he received such an honor!

After the kids sang, they had a birthday party for Jesus in the gym, complete with birthday cake.

All that's really left to do now is enjoy Christmas, which is good.  I have a cold that is leaving me feeling very run down, and it is amazing how much harder pregnancy is when you have multiple little people who need you.

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