Thursday, June 2, 2011

Crazy Days of... May?

May was a wonderful month for our family, but I'm glad it's over.  It was nonstop busy, and I'm exhausted.

Jim's mom visited for the first two weeks of the month, and my mom visited for the other two weeks.  During their combined visits we celebrated Mother's Day, Jim's birthday, Brennan's graduation, Cora's dedication, my birthday, and Memorial Day.  Jim and I started coordinating a new FPU class halfway through the month, and I helped plan a friend's daughter's graduation party. I also spent some time organizing and prepping crafts for next week's Vacation Bible School, and I threw out my back at the beginning of the month, which meant lots of delays and trips to a chiropractor.

It was all crazy and fun (except the part about my back), but I am ready for a slow, lazy summer.  I want to take lots of trips to the pool, plan play dates with friends, drink lemonade, buy flowers for my front porch, watch TV with Brennan while Cora naps, visit the library, and read some fluffy fiction instead of all of the useful instructional books that are currently on my nightstand.

Several of the events from May deserve a post of all their own, so I will hopefully start playing catch-up over the next few days.  In the mean time, here is a random picture that doesn't fit anywhere else.  The picture below was taken at a tea at Belmont Mansion with my mom and her friend Michelle.  It was a very yummy tea with the best cucumber sandwiches, scones, and petit fors.  Mmmm...

And now I'm going to curl up under a blanket and do absolutely nothing.  Maybe I will dry my hair in the next hour, but I don't have huge aspirations beyond that.  Today is a day of recovery, and tomorrow probably will be too.  Look out summer, here I come...

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