Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Colorful Day

Last Thursday we had our first relaxing day of summer.  We met our friends at the pool first thing in the morning, and it was really fun.  But by Thursday night, it was clear that something was really bothering Brennan's face, and by bedtime it was obvious that it was pink eye.

(This picture was taken after had already started his medicine, so he actually doesn't look that bad.)

I had told the kids we could go back to the pool on Friday morning too, but we ended up at the doctor instead.  It was a bummer for all of us, so we made the best we could of a bad situation.

First, when we got home from the doctor, while Cora was napping, Brennan and I made rainbow pudding pops.

We just mixed up regular vanilla pudding, separated it into six bowls, and added different food coloring to each bowl.

Then we layered the colors into plastic cups and put in some popsicle sticks.  We put them in the freezer for later.

Next, Brennan and I made freezer paper stencils for a new bag using my Silhouette.  Brennan is really excited that he is now old enough to have his own library card (you have to be five years old here), and I told him I would take him several times this summer to check out new books.

I thought it would be good for us to make a bag just for library books where we could store them, carry them back and forth to the library, and keep his library card.  

When the stencil was ready, we ironed it on and Brennan painted the letters.  I knew that I would have to settle for less than perfect if I was going to let him do it himself, but I think it's better this way.  It's his bag and he is proud of it.

I'm still going to sew a little pocket on the front to store Brennan's library card, so I'll take pictures of the final bag when we make our first library trip this summer.

After dinner, we all headed outside to try our pudding pops...

...and then changed into swimsuits to wash off the mess in the sprinklers.

Cora didn't much care for the sprinkler, but she sure loved watching her brother.

Sometimes what you get is even better than what you had planned.

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