Friday, May 13, 2011

Strawberry Picking

Yesterday my mother-in-law and I took the kids to a farm about an hour northeast of here so we could go strawberry picking.  

There is nothing quite like finding perfect, red, ripe strawberries, ready for picking...

Oh, wait.  Yes, there is. 

These were the most delicious, warm, unbeLIEVable strawberries ever!

It was HOT and we couldn't stop Cora from eating every single strawberry she laid her hands on.  After picking a few buckets and sweating a few buckets, Brennan was over the heat.

But when we got home and he ate some cooled strawberries after dinner, he changed his tune.  I had to cut him off after he ate two whole bowls of them!

I'd love to freeze and enjoy them all year, but I know that will never happen.  We bought 15 pounds of strawberries, and even if I freeze a bunch, I'll bet they'll be gone by the end of June.  

Simple pleasures are the best.


  1. oh yum!! we have a few strawberry plants but our harvest is 2 or 3 strawberries at a time, we really need to go to a u-pick farm!

  2. How fun!! A couple of years ago, one of alana's class went to the apple orchard that is down n'ville road. I can't remember the name of it. You'll have to email me the name of the strawberry patch. I've never done that!
